Organic Worm Castings

Premium Biological Fertiliser made naturally by our eco-army of compost worms.

Organic Worm Castings

Premium Biological Fertiliser made naturally by our eco-army of compost worms.

Organic Worm Castings

Premium Biological Fertiliser made naturally by our eco-army of compost worms.

Our Team

Adrian Raccanello

Adrian Raccanello
Founder & Managing Director

Deanne Raccanello
Deanne Raccanello
Founder & Managing Director
Thomas Dewing

Thomas Dewing
Chief Executive Officer

Alex Wood

Alex Wood
Operations Manager, Yenda Site

Gary Dal Broi

Gary Dal Broi
Agronomist & Production Innovation /
Managing Director

Where all roots begin, our story starts with the soil.

The Verasoil story began after 10 years of large scale worm farming in the Riverina, NSW. Incredible natural products can be created from Mother Nature’s miracle worker – the compost worm. We decided to harness the power of these true miracle workers that Mother Nature has gifted us – providing you with the product you see today. Verasoil is made from worm castings that will transform your soil into a microscopic world of essential life that enhances soil, plant and human health.

Our name “vera” is the Italian feminine word for “true, real”. We chose this feminine word, as Mother Nature is a female deity, and we believe our products are a gift from Mother Nature to grow food and plants naturally. The name was also chosen to honour the childhood memories of Adrian and Deanne’s grandparents growing nutritious fresh produce in the backyard using natural inputs.

Our Story

The verasoil story began after 10 years of large scale worm farming in the Riverina, NSW. Incredible natural products can be created from mother nature’s miracle worker – the compost wormWe decided to harness the power of these true miracle workers that mother nature has gifted us – providing you with the product you see today. verasoil is made from worm castings that will transform your soil into a microscopic world of essential life that enhances soil, plant and human health

Our name “vera” is the Italian feminine word for “true, real”.  We chose this feminine word, as Mother Nature is a female deity, and we believe our products are a gift from mother nature to grow food & plants naturally. The name was also chosen to honour the childhood memories of Adrian and Deanne’s grandparents growing nutritious fresh produce in the backyard using natural inputs.

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Our Vision

Our soils are lifeless due to the overuse of chemical fertilisers, but we can bring back life to our soils. Our vision is to activate soil biology and unlock nutrients that will maximise our soils and plants, and in turn, enhance our human health naturally.

Our Mission

Our mission as a company is to capture valuable organic resources and produce biological fertilisers which are innovative, simple to use and meet the needs of our customers and partners.

Contact Us

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